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Spoiler Theory for FairyLoot April 2023 YA Book!

The links provided in this post are unpaid links. I do not make commission off of them.

FairyLoot posted an aesthetic montage on their IG account on 10 February 2023 for the April 2023 YA pick…here is the book I think it is!

So far, if the selection is Silver in the Bone, this will be in the FairyLoot April 2023 YA box.

Just in case the FL edition is not signed, Waterstones is selling a signed edition here. Also, Barnes and Noble will be selling its own exclusive edition with "unique jacket and a customized case and endpapers" (not signed) here and a separate, non-exclusive signed edition here.

You can buy a signed, personalized copy from Bracken's local indie here. It will include an extra pre-order incentive yet to be announced.

Additional info:

Obiligatory disclaimer: I am not sponsored or affiliated with any of these boxes, books, or authors. Additionally, a mention on my page does not mean I endorse the boxes, books, or authors. I am simply providing information.

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1 comentario

09 mar 2023

Honestly I do not love this cover, I don't think anything they could do with it will make it pretty.

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